Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happiness is...

Today was a good day. Why, you wonder? I got to attend a whole worship service and attend a Bible class. Not having to leave the church service early to get to work on time, and not having to get up extra early to attend an early service across town makes for a happy Pastorschick. The Rev. and I also got to visit an orchard tended by some church members, and we left with several bags of fresh lemons, oranges, tangeloes, and avocadoes. FREE. One of the many perks of living in Southern California. If anyone wants to come by next week for fresh guacamole and margaritas, come on down, but we may put you to work with all of the home improvement plans that are on the to-do list.

My last post caused some...concern amongst a few of my readers. Some were worried about my mental well-being, others commented on how I shouldn't compare myself to others. My mental well-being is always in question, and as far as comparisons go, I know that I don't possess the same gifts and talents that others do. And that's okay. If God wanted us to all be the same, he would have created clones. It is just another testament to his power that he created all of us as unique individuals. Would I like to be more involved in my husband's ministry? Yes. Does it bother me when I do miss church functions? Yes, and I hope it will always bother me. I think I would be more bothered if I didn't mind not going to church functions. Like I have said before, The Rev. knows where I am, and what I am doing is keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table, which in its own way, is a contribution to The Rev.'s ministry. For the moment, that is good enough for me, and I promise, this will be the last post about any guilty feelings I may have about making brownies from a box to bring to potluck, or not singing in the choir. Just know that I am bringing brownies from the box to potluck and I will not be singing in the choir.

Now that I have said my piece, share with me. What makes you happy? I will post all responses under the comments tab.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those worried about pastorchick's mental well-being. She's fine...however, you should meet the Dad. Hmmm.... We should consider ourselves blessed to be 'in the company' of a gal who knows her limitations, but also, I believe, knows her strengths.
To the p-chick YOU GO GIRL !!

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happiness is...
doing something to make someone else's life a little brighter

happiness is...
knowing that God's love covers my lovelessness

happiness comes from joy...
J - Jesus first
O - others second
Y - yourself last

1:25 PM  

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