Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The joys of half a house

Life has been happening since our return to the half house off the interstate. The wedding was lovely, and it was even lovelier to reconnect with cousins I last saw at my wedding 7 years ago. Idaho was lovely, even though I battled a cold the whole week I was gone, and I kept The Rev. at breathing distance from me most of the week because he had a cold and I was not going to be sick at a conference. I took to calling him a leper, which he did not appreciate. He kept his distance; I still got sick. I am ready for the Dear LORD to return today, just so that I can quit hacking, hacking, hacking.

Life keeps happening around here, whether we want it to or not. Today, I was meeting with my management team at my house when I noticed water seeping from underneath the refrigerator. I thought it was leaking, but after pulling the fridge from the wall and using every towel in the house to wipe up the mess (THAT IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION), I discovered that it was coming from the wall. Our neighbors had a pipe break in their slab and the water damage on their side of the wall was much worse than the water damage on our side. However, given that sharing a wall is like a commitment bordering on the realm of some weird marriage, it is safe to say that the pipe break could be considered ours also, as we had to have their repairman come into our house to inspect for damage. When the first words out of his mouth are, "You do have homeowner's insurance," I know that celebrations involving presents for The Rev.'s birthday, my birthday, and the birthday of Jesus are out of the question. Sigh. We were planning on a kitchen remodel in the next 18 months, not the next 18 minutes.

I'll keep you posted.


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