Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Not really a wine snob--yet

Part of my Labor Day involved sitting on the couch mindlessly watching t.v. with The Rev. We flipped around to programs we liked, but we would change channels when the program would pause for a commercial break. I re-thought my loyalty to a few television shows that had Arbor Mist wine/malt liquor for a sponsor, and one particularly heinous commercial showed a couple dining al fresco with a bottle of Arbor Mist in plain site. The man started to propose marriage and the woman interrupted when she gleefully noticed that he was proposing to her over a bottle of peach flavored Chardonnay. I turned to Rev.:

"If you proposed to me over a bottle of Arbor Mist..."

"You would have said 'yes' faster than you actually did."

"It would have been even cooler if it had been a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon."


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