Thursday, March 16, 2006

He didn't believe me

One half of my genetic material (Hi, Dad!) is coming out to SoCal to see The Rev. and me this weekend. We have offered to do all sorts of things with him, like go to the Wild Animal Park, the train museum, or a WWII aircraft exhibit (the sacrifices I make for my family, let me tell you). His response, "I'd be happy to sit around and do nothing." See! He can't say that I am just like my mother, because I love to sit around and do nothing. Fortunately, I haven't been home much, so I haven't chagrined The Rev. by loafing. I am sure this Saturday will be a loaf-a-thon, and showers and clothing changes will be optional. I CAN'T WAIT.

I spoke to my dad last night, and he commented that he didn't believe that there was a recipe called "chili con weenie." Unfortunately, I couldn't find the cookbook, but I can assure you, it is not a figment of my imagination. How could I make up a recipe like that? So, because I am just like my mother, I have to prove him wrong. I pulled a church cookbook out this morning and found the following recipes:

Lasagna Toss (toss it where?)

Ham in a Can (4 ingredients!)

Porcupine Balls (Ladies and Gentlemen, Beavis and Butthead are in the building)

Enchilada Pie (I know they are crossing the border for that one)

Oriental Vegetable Salad (multi-cultural, it calls for Frenched green beans)

Weenie-Beanie Bake

Frankfurter Casserole

Hey Dad, would you rather have the weanie-beanie bake or the frankfurter casserole for dinner on Saturday night?


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