Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Home again, sort of

I arrived home safe and sound last night and was mauled by every breathing creature in the house. I'll spare you the gory details. The Rev., in a valiant effort to make the cats like him more than me, did not buy them the special soft food they like to eat. So when I got up this morning to feed everyone, they were not pleased with what was poured into their bowls. They even sat and stared at the shelf where we keep the cans of food. I will make it up to them later, but it is a little annoying when I go out to the garage and they come running after me, like I am playing some evil trick on them and voila! Here is the food I have been witholding from you, because secretly, I want to make you suffer.

Tomorrow is mid-week Lenten services and I have 15 minutes to figure out what I can fix for the potluck supper. I work tonight and all day tomorrow, so the pickings are a little slim. I'll figure something out, but I am being gnawed by my Lutheran guilt that I should fix something really good, given the fact that I only half-way attended church two Sundays ago, missed it completely this past Sunday, and will be missing it again this Sunday. I am sure there are members wondering if The Rev. and I are having marital difficulties, or if he is actually a widower now, and he just forgot to tell them.


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