Sunday, November 02, 2008

10 months and the value of 24 karat gold

It was a big week this past week at our house. The Rev. was lectured for giving Lucas hotdogs (cut up of course), and then I promptly gave him another hot dog last night because it was late and I was tired. His appetite is expanding at the same rate we are introducing foods to him, and today he ate: cereal, an animal cookie, a cinnamon bun from a bakery, a few bites of chocolate yogurt, toast, and some potato. Tonight, I will be happy if we can throw a green vegetable into that mix. He has also added meatballs and minestrone to the list of food that he can eat by himself. He is way beyond being fed, and insists on feeding himself, which means feeding the dog.

Halloween was pretty uneventful. The Rev. snapped one picture and then the camera died, so we are awaiting pictures from a friend. Halloween ended and All Saint's Day began with a trip to the emergency animal clinic for our cat. Long story short, I found him outside and thought he had been hit by a car. Once we got him to the vet we learned that he had a urinary tract blockage and had not gone to the bathroom in about 4 days. He should have been dead, and at that point we should have said, "It's been nice having you cat, and now you get to walk with God." However, I decided to see if the cat could be fixed to pee 24 karat gold. The cat is fixed but no gold, not even 10 karat. He gets to come home tomorrow.


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