Sunday, April 22, 2007

Grown-up Choices

Last night a dear friend called to tell me that she, husband, and godchild were trying to plan a trip out West to see us. Unfortunately, their visit will only be with me, as The Rev. will be busy becoming an expert in the conjugation of irregular Spanish verbs by the time they arrive. On the upside, we will applaud The Rev.'s fortitude with a margarita salute. I also promised Stephanie that I would not make them work on my house when they were here.

As we said our good-byes I said, "Well, I have to run, I am making popcorn for dinner and washing it down with root beer."

"Sounds good."

"Yeah, my secret is the stick of butter I melt and put on it after it comes out of the kettle."

So, The Rev. and I had popcorn for dinner and I ate a strawberry shortcake today for lunch. Coming from a family that believed in the sanctity of three square meals a day, I chart this one up to a genetic aberration. It was homemade shortcake and I will balance it with a salad for dinner. Maybe.


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