Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Jose and Jack

The Rev. and I are leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow to go to Nashville. That means that instead of writing this post, I should be doing laundry, packing, and writing down emergency phone numbers for my husband's secretary. She didn't know we snuck "cat sitting" into her job description before she got hired. (Thanks, pastorsecretary!).

I don't know when I will have a chance to post again, so I will leave you with some random thoughts and snippets of when I realized this pastorschick was no longer in Tennessee:

1. Upon meeting us when we first arrived, the congregational chairman greeted The Rev.
with a hearty, "Dude, how's it going?" I almost fell over in the parking lot.

2. Members of the congregation call The Rev. padre instead of Herr Pastor and bring him
tequila instead of Jack Daniels. I don't care what they call him, just pass the lime.

3. People blink when we tell them our dog's name is Dixie. At least we don't tie a rebel flag
around her neck.

4. It's okay to skip church to go surfing. I take it that it is a reminder of your baptism?

5. Tamales are a good thing. And they are an all day affair, pass the lime.

My father-in-law once gave The Rev. a valuable piece of advice. He told The Rev. that once he took a call and moved to a new congregation, that was home. You rooted for that town's football team; you learned about the local places of interest; you showed appreciation for the people and their culture. In Nashville we rooted for the Titans and ate hot chicken. We listened to country music and followed NASCAR (at one point I memorized every driver and number). We drove to Lynchburg and paid homage to Mr. Jack Daniel. When we moved to California, I really missed those things, but here I am, and though it is hard to admit, this is home. We root for the Chargers and we are still trying to define the cuisine (which is a good problem to have). We know the points of interest in San Diego, and we have enjoyed getting to know the people. It's not really a matter of tequila versus whiskey, because they are experiencing a peaceful conexistence next to the gin and vermouth. Much life happens in 18 months.


Blogger zackperry said...

Eat the worm!

5:12 PM  

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