Monday, October 22, 2007


At the moment, there are ten separate wildfires raging in Southern California. One is just to the south of us; one is north of us; one is to the east. We are basically surrounded, and while people have been evacuated to the high school that is just around the corner from where we live, The Rev. and I filled the truck up with gas and made of list of "grab and go" items just in case we get the call that we have to leave also. If you were to look out our dining room window, you would see blue skies and the big white "E" for Escondido that is on the hillside. If you step outside and look south, you see a menacing orange-brown cloud looming behind the not so distant hills. I've live through a few hurricanes and a tornado, but I have never seen anything like this.

The interstate that runs parallel to my place of work is shut down, and the church school is closed, so The Rev. and I have the day off to listen to the news and look at each other. The Santa Ana winds that have been driving the fires are howling right now, and are not expected to die out until tomorrow. What tomorrow will bring is anyone's guess.

The ladies at work had a surprise baby shower for me last night, and I was driving I was struck by the ash falling from the sky. Funny how fast things can change. One minute my hostess is cleaning up baby shower favors and the next minute she is being evacuated with her family to a local high school. Count your blessings, one by one. Once the fires are out, it will the air quality that will be keeping everyone inside.

We'll keep you posted.


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