Saturday, June 02, 2007

Finally Getting My Way

It has been a quiet week at my house. The Rev. has been gone for one week today. That means eleven more weeks to go before he comes home. I have been keeping busy, and it just seems like there is alway something to do: pay bills, feed the dog, pick up cat puke.

The one thing I am enjoying is Netflix. The Rev. signed us up for the service a few months ago and never told me the user name and password until he left town. I have already gone in a deleted a few of his choices (war movies) and picked out movies I wanted to see. The first movie I received was Casino Royale, the latest James Bond movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I must admit, I think Daniel Craig makes an excellent James Bond. Talk about being a beautiful man, and a very talented actor. Have I mentioned he is a beautiful man? He is a beautiful man. Not as cute as my husband, of course, but he is a beautiful man.

I don't know what The Rev. is going to think when he comes home to find that his choices of esoteric foreign films and bloody war movies are no longer on his list of choices, but I have 3 months to worry about it.


Blogger Unknown said...

We watched Casino Royale with Fabio and Britney back in April. Stylish, yes, but otherwise kinda herky jerky. And what the with the ending? But you're right. He's hot. :-) You might check out Stranger than Fiction. Will Ferrell in a different light.

9:58 PM  

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