I come from stock that watches
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on the Fourth of July. My family has also been known to dine at Chinese restaurants on Christmas day. As I said in an earlier post, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day at a Mexican restaurant. My genetic material appreciates the unknown, offbeat, and wee bit funky. For some unknown reason, we decided to join the masses and partake in Mexican food at a local restaurant near our house.
It was nasty. And I don't mean nasty as in exotic ingredient, culinary adventure nasty. It was just bad food and I knew we were in trouble when we entered the Mexican restaurant and they had a live band playing the Oldies. It's hard to drink your neon green margarita and appreciate it while everyone around you is bopping to The Beach Boys. We briefly entertained the notion of the Irish pub, but they were having drink specials on Coronas and their patio was decorated with Mexican flags. Wrong. On so many levels.
It was a mistake, but before you think I am going to complain and whine and be food snobbish about how awful our food was, I am going to count my blessings one by one. This is the new and improved Pastorschick. The one who only spreads sunshine and happiness wherever she is wont to go.
So, here we go, and I will try to keep sarcastic comments to a minimum. It is an ongoing process, remember? Actually, let me tell you what I could have said, and then I will tell you for what blessing I was thanking the Lord.
1. I could have said, "This food rots and why did you bring me here when we could have gone to our favorite hole in the wall for a whole lot cheaper?" Rather, I appreciated that The Rev. and I could share a meal together and we both agreed that Taco Bell was a step up from this joint.
2. I could have said, "Why did you drag me down here to look at these stupid cars? I'm cold. I'm tired. Can we go now? All engines look the same after a while. Blah blah blah." Instead, The Rev. and I got to hold hands, walk our main drag, and check out a local coffeeshop that does not bear the requisite white and green cup from which everyone else partakes. "Yes, honey, that is a pretty car. Now can I get a pair of shoes in that color?"
3. I could have said, "Why do you always shrink my clothes? Is this a twisted way to get me to exercise and to quit eating sour Jolly Ranchers?" Instead I said, "Honey, let me do the laundry, and while I am at, let me update the checkbook and pay a few bills." Wait, maybe it was a twisted way to get me to do laundry.
4. I could have said, "Why are we watching this brain candy reality t.v. show?" Instead I said, "Yes, I must agree with you, those people all have major issues and they all need Jesus."
It was nearly a perfect day, even if I didn't get to stay in bed and eat Pirate's Booty.